Friday, 30 December 2022

The time between the holidays

 Happy holidays.  It is the time between Christmas and New Year. Where some of us are breathing again and some of us are re-ramping up.  New Year's parties anyone?

Family gatherings. Packing and leaving the house or making space for incoming.  Trying not to stress over sleeping arrangements, flights arriving/leaving on time, enough food, family dynamics (who to sit next to who) and spending too much. Most of all expectations that might be met or not met. We put so much on ourselves over making the perfect holiday. It is even possible?

We had a talk before the holidays about expectations and lowering them. We can't make it perfect for everyone as we don't know what people expect or even how they will react. Some people love drama. Others detest. So we tried (emphasis that word) to not expect things to be perfect. We did our best and worked at letting it go. 

Okay place not as clean as I would want. Didn't get all my cards sent out. Can't control flights so not taking that on or apologizing like my fault. Saying yes if people offer to clean up or bring something. Leaving dishes in sink to talk to people now. Lowering what I expect - like behavior I have no control over especially adults. Big thing don't apologize for other adults' behaviour. That is on them not us. Learn to walk away if starting to feel stressed. That is what bathrooms and bedroom are for.

To start the year with lessons learned. Lower expectations for holidays and people. Enjoy them where they are coming from. Don't expect to fix them or fix everything around you. Learn to let stuff go. Don't take stuff on that doesn't concern us. Put ourselves higher on the priority list. This is what we want to head into the new year with. Lessons learned and put in place.

Wednesday, 28 December 2022

Word of the year

 We are taking the challenge and have started thinking about a word for the year.  you can always start now has a post on finding your word for the year.  Summary think about how you want to feel and what you want / need to do in the coming year.  Read the full post it is worth it.

There is no right or wrong word. It is your word. You can always start now says it keeps her focused and pushes and challenges her. We are so in for that! 

So we're over here thinking of feelings, projects and needs.  If you have a word for the year let us know! We'll keep you posted in the new year what our words are and why.  It is bring focus hello!!!!

Thursday, 15 December 2022

The Holidays are here - how did that happen!

 Hello, it has been over a month since our last post.  Life has been happening and now a few of us are on panic mode.  A few not. The holidays shouldn't be stressful. What expectations have we put on ourselves and others? What can we change? Conversations to be had. We don't have to do it all and it shouldn't be expected that we do.

Put the brakes on expectations yours and others. People do not need expensive gifts. They need your time and attention. Give people experiences.  A walk, make soup together, a craft together, go out to supper and that is everyone present. Being together with no shopping or expectations just together.

It might be too late to start changing things up now - or maybe not. But it is time to start the conversation of what we can do different next year.  Have a family / friend conversation of making Christmas and/or holiday less commercial and more time and attention.

Happy Holidays

Friday, 4 November 2022

That time of year !!!

Okay this post is not from all of us! Some of us are not happy about the turning of the calendar and the coming season.  A few of us, well me in particular, are excited. I was excited to pull out my fall wreath. To get out my blackets and pillows. To pull out my sweaters and pants.

I like the cooler temperature. I have more energy and am excited about the possibilities of the season. The warmer colour palette. Love decorating for the fall and the upcoming season (won't mention it here as a bit too early). I'm off to look for a new sweater dress and boots. Did I mention I also like fall/winter clothes the best!!

So to embracing whatever season you are currently in. Enjoy it isn't going anywhere soon.


Friday, 14 October 2022

Halloween or Fall Decor ??

 We are having a debate over here with pumpkin spice latte as it is that time of year!  That said how do you feel about fall and/or Halloween décor?  When can you start decorating for the season? What can be included and what should be off the table! Here goes! We know this could be controversial. 

First pumpkins definitely fall into the fall (autumn) category. They are NOT just for carving at Halloween. One of us has a beautiful collection of glass pumpkins. They deserve to be displayed and yeah don't feel they are Halloween décor. So if you decorate for the season the consensus here is early September is when the fall décor should come out. That gives us at least two months to enjoy our treasures. Our pumpkins, wreathes, fall pillows, blankets and fall candles. 

Closer to Halloween you can add fun stuff like bats and/or Halloween décor. Say around October 20th.  Fall and/or Halloween décor rolls into November which we all know what comes after that. We are not talking about what comes after that right now. Just not ready for that. Back to fall.

Some people LOVE Halloween and want to decorate as soon as possible. Say October 1st - if that is your bag go for it. We just felt September was a tad too early for the bats to appear. But pumpkins! Put them out.

So what is your take on fall and/or Halloween décor? When is too early? Late? Mix it up? Let us know. This is all in fun.  The main thing is you do you and love your home at every season.

Wednesday, 5 October 2022

Instagram account we're crushing on

 This was a fun post to do as we all enjoy Instagram.  We each picked out a few account we enjoy so here they are:

Inspired by charm decor, recipes all lovely.  Check out his blog also

Creative flatlays  check it out. Is what it says "flatlays"

Guide to a magic life  yoga instructor and artist showing us what life can be

Best cities of Europe enough said

A beautifulmess  decor, food also one of our favorite blogs

Grillo designs  DIY and decor

Nairuhime soft flowers.  Hard to describe. Worth checking out.

Monday, 26 September 2022

How is it fall already?

 Okay it is not only fall but also the end of September. How did this happen? It seemed like last week??? We were complaining about the humidity.  That hot and humid was the new summer normal and not all of us were a fan.  Then........wham we flipped the calendar.

Since the first three weeks in September are technically summer, yes we know a lot of people consider September a fall month, (all month) but no. The humidity seemed to break with warm sunny days. Walks were lovely. You didn't mind being out in the afternoon as clothes not plastered to you. Life was good.

We guess the problem is the month flew by. It started great and now over. Not even sure what to say about the weeks in between. What did we do? All of us struggled to come up with a few concrete things. Yes first play of the new theatre season. Check that box. No fall crafts happening. Books club not this month as when talking in the summer thought September might be too busy. 

So what exactly did we do for the month? Seriously? It is a reminder to stop and live in the moment. As apparently we didn't do that in September if we can't think of anything major that happened. Maybe nothing did and that is okay. It is just the month is over and a few of us feel we have nothing to show for it. Not even a fall craft! Look at this!

Next month we are stopping and saying this is what I am doing right now. We are making plans to meet for supper. There is the theatre, Farmer's market. We have plans. Boxes to check. Life is happening with or without us. 

Happy official fall!

Tuesday, 6 September 2022

Crushing on at IKEA

 What we are currently crushing on at IKEA.

cabinet / bookcase - lots of options here. Hidden storage and open. It has a bulletin board!!

Storage bed - pretty. Plus storage as in pull out drawers. Crushing as currently trying to find ways to create more floor. So maybe get rid of dresser?

Pretty rug - can see this in many rooms.  That appeals to me as rugs should be versatile. Not just for one room.

Occasional chair or more - love look of this chair.  The wood and openness of it. 

Round table - this has been a crush for a long time. There is just something (for me) about a white round table. Pretty, clean I can't explain it more than that only still crushing after years.

This is a sample of our current crushes.  What do you think? Any you are crushing on?

Tuesday, 23 August 2022

Starting our fall to do list

 A few of us love to sit and make a list.  It feels satisficing to cross something off a list.  A list gives focus. Something to work around and on.  We have started our fall list of things we want to check out and do. It might seem early but having the list before September seems like we have things under control. We might not but can think that with list in hand!

So below are some of our items we have started putting on our fall list.  We will be adding it to for sure as time goes on. 

  •  After a hot summer and vacations we are ready to get back to book club.  We have a few books on the list already.  Our plan is to have a book a month already set for September - December. Four books.
  • Tossing or donating summer clothes that we are so through with.  Or are falling apart.
  • Picking a fun fall craft to do for girls night.
  • Getting those last few patio dates in - even if the heaters are on.
  • Paint spare bedroom/office.  When not humid.
  • Clean out linen closet
  • Fall hikes in - best weather for hikes!!
  • Go through pictures on phone.  Delete. Print. Undecided.
  • Book massage
  • Back to theater season
Let us know what is on your fall to do list!
Plus book recommendations always welcomed

Tuesday, 2 August 2022

Where is summer going?

 We are been around just not on the blog.  Flipping the calendar, so to speak, over to a new month was a bit of a shock.  How can it be August? How can it be the August long weekend?  Wasn't it just July 1st?  Summer seems to be flying by - hence the year really.

Gardens are in.  Cottages booked or have been.  Beaches yes have been to a few.  Between us all we have covered we think the basics.  Humid days saps the energy but if off there is always someone cool to go. 

Summer seems to be July and August. Once school is out (end of June) and before heading back in September. It often seems like a lot to squeeze into two months.  I mean winter is what November to April. So seems like it. 

So with summer being half over by this standard what should we do? Or do we have to do anything? I mean really why not let the rest of summer unfold.  We have a month - hopefully some vacation time left. Do we have to book every day of it? Could we take time to do nothing? Be spontaneous?  To actually relax! Not be full throttle to squeeze every minute of something into our day?

Could the rest of summer be relaxing. Go to the beach when we want? Stay home and read? Go for a walk early morning or late evening. Thinking humidity here. Just be and not book anything. To actually feel rested when September hits!  Could this be part of our last month of summer?


Monday, 20 June 2022

What we are saying yes to this season

 Summer is fast approaching.  School will be out.  Campgrounds are filling up as are cottage rentals. If you haven't started booking stop reading this and do it NOW! Please come back when you are done. We were talking about summer plans and saying yes or no to things. Making the most out of the summer.

Below are a few things we are definitely saying yes to this summe:

  • Heading to the beach.  When a friend says want to go? Don't start thinking of your to do. Most stuff can likely wait.
  • Festivals - start checking out when and where. Especially if in your area. Support local music, crafts and people.
  • Summer walks in the evening. Never be too busy for that
  • BBQs.  If invite go and if not invite.  
  • Cottage invites - if a few hours away head for the day.  If more maybe an overnight is exactly what you need.  
  • Yes I'm free for a patio lunch downtown this weekend.  Do spur of the moment things with friends.
  • Ice cream anyone!  Yes especially at lunch time if out for a walk.
  • A day trip to a new place or a place you haven't been in years! Why not. Summer is short make the most of it.
  • Camping - there are likely campground close to your place check them out even for a weekend.
Don't focus on what you have to do - things can wait. Memories can't. Toss that load of laundry in when you get home from work. Free up your weekends and evening. Say yes to people and events.

Monday, 6 June 2022

Blogs we follow on a regular basis

This is a fun post. We each got to submit a blog or two we follow.  Here are the links in no particular order. We hope a few resonate with you.

Esme Salon a food blog. If you are looking for any recipe check her out!

Inspired by charm  variety here and blog beautiful to look at. Recipes, décor and art. All worth checking out.

Modpodge rocks lots of craft ideas from kids to adult.  Also some holiday themed ones.

The messiness of living personal take on well the messiness of living!

Apartment therapy for the decorating junkie in us.

Simple and season about creating a life worth living. Also has a good podcast.

A beautifulmess has decorating, book reviews, food and crafts.  Also a fun podcast to listen to. Nothing heavy.

Wheelescapades  is a dose of reality as follows someone living with a disability. Often showcases what I take for granted.

If you have a blog you follow let us know so we can check it out!

Thursday, 26 May 2022

Cruising into summer - start booking

 Well it is that time of year to start booking your summer.  From Airbnb, day camps and camp grounds to name a few.  Things full up fast especially those day or week long camps for children. Not many of us can take the summer off.  Great if you can get two weeks in a row.  

Some of us are trying to book a few week camps and not make promises we can't keep.  Also working around our vacations.  If you are interested in booking a cottage - start now. We mean now as in finish reading this post and head over to start looking and booking. 

Also don't forget your public library. They often have children's program all year round. Oh also adult programs. Summer reading program are great as being part of a challenge can spur people on.

So we're off to cruise into summer and start booking. One of us already has a week book by the ocean in August. Sigh. There is always one.  

Tuesday, 17 May 2022

Pretty spring wreath! Want!!!!

 Saw this pretty spring wreath and had to share.  I love the wooden balls, which I'm seeing in more crafts lately.  I love having different wreaths for different occasions and seasons. 

DIY spring wreath.  

What do you think? Too much? 

Saturday, 7 May 2022

A good coffee shop

 Since we spend a good portion in coffee shops.  Some of us more than others. We thought we'd tell you our take on a good coffee shop. Besides good coffee. 

One of the big things is a good table.  One that doesn't shake when you sit down. You know the ones where you are looking for a piece of paper to put under one of the legs. Grabbing your coffee/drink before it spills.  Also a table that is large enough to put a tablet and coffee on. It doesn't have to be a four seater but not so small you're reaching behind tablet for the coffee.

Okay we are seated now coffee in hand.  A selection of pastries and a variety of other choices. We're not talking full meals but bagels, sandwiches, and maybe soup.  Oh also for the coffee we want a good mug. Not a three mouthful and gone mug. One of us judges a good mug by how many fingers she can get into the handle. Comfortable.

We're not talking a chain here for our coffee shop. Local and maybe even know the owner or servers by name.  A chain often has a set look.  If local anything goes decor wise.  We've been in a few coffee shops where they have local art.  Supporting local artists is great and love seeing that. Community supporting community. 

Also opening up the coffee shop to events.  Or showcasing other products.  To have a local coffee shop that supports the community.  Plus good coffee, treats, table and chairs.  We're good to go.

Thursday, 10 March 2022

The calendar says spring this month but........

It is funny, living in Canada, when we hear the ground hog predicted six more weeks of winter on February 2nd any year! We sigh. We're in Canada so it is a minimum of six more weeks of winter after that date whatever the little guy predicts. Snow in March? A definite. Snow in April no big surprise.  May? Sigh have seen it not happy.

That said when the calendar says spring and we flip to April it does have a lifting feeling. Like we are on the home stretch. Usually Easter is in April so a long chocolate filled weekend to look forward to. Some of us have already starting looking at Pinterest for spring crafts. Lots of bunnies there. 

Life is changing with restrictions lifting. Some people embracing it, others still a bit anxious. All we hope is that everyone is kind and appreciate people are coming at this from different places. If you see someone with a mask on after it is lifted don't make it difficult for them. We have no idea where people are coming from and what issues (health for one) they are dealing with.

This post went so off topic but that is okay. The world is shifting again and we are all shifting with it. Give people grace and space. It has been a long hard two years. People have lost loved ones, jobs and dreams. Be kind. Take a deep breath if you have to and walk away. 

Enjoy the freedom we are being give. Look at the world around us not everyone has it.


Monday, 21 February 2022

Okay we need a pick me up

 The ground hog in our area said six more weeks of winter.  Hmm.....first of February I can pretty well guarantee we will have six or more weeks of winter regardless of a shadow.  That said we thought we all need a bit of a pick-me up.  Something to do, look forward to and maybe plan.  Here are a few ideas.

  • Pick yourself up some flowers.  The don't have to be expensive. There are some lovely bouquets at the grocery stores. We are worth it.
  • If you have to submit your vacation for the summer (or year) soon start looking at cottages to rent if that if your thing.  Beach, lake, middle of now where all good.
  • Clean out your linen closet. Toss those towels that will never look clean again. Those old sheets - what are we saving them for.  Once this is done treat yourself to new towels or bed linen. Something pretty for the spring
  • Treat yourself to a magazine when your picking up your groceries. Home decorating. Cooking.
  • If you have a pile of book - pick one up and start it. Take time for you to sit and read. Put your feet up. We all know once the weather gets warm we will be out and about. Use this time to nest.
  • Pinterest anyone!  If you enjoy doing crafts now it the time to pop into Pinterest and check out spring crafts or Easter. Lots of time to pin and get supplies.
  • I always have blank cards around for last minute wishes. What about picking a friend or two and sending "just because" snail mail cards. 
  • Make a date with friends. 
  • Book a facial or have one at home. I always have a few scrubs or facials to grab when I feel I need a pick me up self-care wise.
  • Get outside! Yes it is still cold so dress for it. Enjoy the fresh air. If you have snow enjoy that. Take the kids or adults snow shoeing or sledding. 

Tuesday, 8 February 2022

Trying to regroup and make the most of it

It has been over a month since we posted.  We are all feeling a little stagnate. There are still restrictions in place and even when they lift some of us are still leery about heading back out to crowded restaurants, theatres and events.  We know eventually it will be "living with COVID" but are we there yet?

January can be a blah month to begin with. Weather and a pandemic hasn't helped.  Not enough fluffy snow and too much ice and rain. Come on weather cooperate.  It is now the second week of February and we are working at regrouping and shaking off the January blues.  

There are a few things we are pulling together for the next month and a bit.  Book club is one. Suggestions welcome as would like to have a few picked out.  We are also planning a wine and cheese get together at one of our homes before the end of the month.  Bring your favoriate wine and/or cheese please.

A few of us are planning a Saturday afternoon out for a few drinks and munchies. Plan to be home before the supper time rush.  Also Pinterest for spring crafts anyone? If anyone decorates for Easter let us know. What do you use? Craft DIY. The works.

Just having a few up and coming things feels good.  We truly believe we should grab our wins, COVID or not, when we have them. It is just it has been hard lately.  Enough said.  We have a plan. If you are feeling blue also, be gentle with yourself. This has been a long hard road and sometimes we didn't see the light at the end.  Make a plan for you.  Purchase new bubble bath and a candle. Do a spa day at home. Treat yourself to some magazines and make plans with friends.  Deep breath we have this.

Thursday, 6 January 2022

Word/s for the year

 Happy New Year.  Hope everyone had a safe and lovely holiday.  WOW 2022 no idea where or how that happened.

We were over at Setting our intention and the post was about setting your word for the new year.  Check out the post for all the details.  Summary what do you want to accomplish this year?  How do you want to feel this year?  Start there.

So two of us decided to work with those parameters and go for it.  One word that resonated with one of us was clarity.  This is the year to get clear with what is important. How do we want to move forward? What do we want to let go of?  To get clarity on where the path is or even where to head.  Action plan is to sit down and write out what brings joy. Distress. What can be let go of? What can be added?  Clarity.

 Peace was the other word. COVID19 has made us slow down.  Not rushing out to social engagements, sport activities or even family gatherings.  We have been home more and quiet. At times it has been nice and actually needed.  This year we want to concentrate on peace and making it a habit.  Setting time aside if not daily than weekly to slow down, sit and just be.

Do you have a word for the year?  Let us know your word and the reason behind it.