Thursday, 26 May 2022

Cruising into summer - start booking

 Well it is that time of year to start booking your summer.  From Airbnb, day camps and camp grounds to name a few.  Things full up fast especially those day or week long camps for children. Not many of us can take the summer off.  Great if you can get two weeks in a row.  

Some of us are trying to book a few week camps and not make promises we can't keep.  Also working around our vacations.  If you are interested in booking a cottage - start now. We mean now as in finish reading this post and head over to start looking and booking. 

Also don't forget your public library. They often have children's program all year round. Oh also adult programs. Summer reading program are great as being part of a challenge can spur people on.

So we're off to cruise into summer and start booking. One of us already has a week book by the ocean in August. Sigh. There is always one.  

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