Saturday, 7 May 2022

A good coffee shop

 Since we spend a good portion in coffee shops.  Some of us more than others. We thought we'd tell you our take on a good coffee shop. Besides good coffee. 

One of the big things is a good table.  One that doesn't shake when you sit down. You know the ones where you are looking for a piece of paper to put under one of the legs. Grabbing your coffee/drink before it spills.  Also a table that is large enough to put a tablet and coffee on. It doesn't have to be a four seater but not so small you're reaching behind tablet for the coffee.

Okay we are seated now coffee in hand.  A selection of pastries and a variety of other choices. We're not talking full meals but bagels, sandwiches, and maybe soup.  Oh also for the coffee we want a good mug. Not a three mouthful and gone mug. One of us judges a good mug by how many fingers she can get into the handle. Comfortable.

We're not talking a chain here for our coffee shop. Local and maybe even know the owner or servers by name.  A chain often has a set look.  If local anything goes decor wise.  We've been in a few coffee shops where they have local art.  Supporting local artists is great and love seeing that. Community supporting community. 

Also opening up the coffee shop to events.  Or showcasing other products.  To have a local coffee shop that supports the community.  Plus good coffee, treats, table and chairs.  We're good to go.

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