Thursday, 29 November 2018

Traditional or not? You decide.

We are having a discussion over Christmas trees. Well, not the tree per say, but how to decorate it.  We have a traditionalist that say multi-colored ornaments and family favorites. Or basically toss whatever on the tree.

Image result for traditional christmas tree decoration

Another one of us is into non traditional Christmas colors.  I don't use those colors in my home any other time of year why am I starting now! Hence..

Image result for themed christmas tree ideas

Last we have our think out side the box person. Have something light, airy it is all about expressing your individuality. 
Image result for white christmas tree decor

Needless to say there was no group consensus.  How do you decorate your tree?  We would love to hear from you!  Oh let us know if you have a favorite from the above. 

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Get your note taking devices out! NOW

It is almost mid-November and you know what that means?  It is time to get organised. Especially if you haven't started anything yet.  Here is a list to get you going.

  1. Check you Christmas cards from last year.  If you need more cards purchase them now.
  2. Look at who you want to send snail mail cards to - purchase stamps before the post offices  become crazy with parcels being mailed.
  3. If you have parcels to mail - well you should have been on that before now. Sorry to say. So why not order on-line and have item sent directly to individual.  Just a thought.
  4. Get your calendar out and consider having friends over early December before everyone's calendar are full with family, concerts and panic mode shopping.
  5. If you haven't already go through your gloves, mitts and scarfs. Ratty ones toss out. If you have too many consider donating or maybe putting an extra pair in your coat pocket to pass out to the homeless.
  6. Over flowing with winter jackets? Also consider donating.
  7. While we are on the topic of giving - what about considering charity options for the people with everything.  Maybe buy a chicken in their name?
  8. If you know anyone who might be alone for the Holidays or doesn't like Christmas. Make time to get together with them before your own Holidays get too booked up.
  9. Check those recipes you make yearly or new ones and make note of what ingredients you need. Start picking them on with your weekly groceries.
  10. Maybe consider having a cookie exchange with friends. That way everyone gets a variety of goodies.
  11. Do something fun with friends and family. Some charities have gift wrapping stations at the mall. Also consider the food bank.
  12. If you like to do crafts for the holidays, check your Pinterest boards or start looking now. Time is ticking on gluing, cutting, stamping, painting and more!
These are just a few things to get on to make your Holidays easier. If you have something we missed please add it in the comments.  Happy Holidays.

Friday, 12 October 2018

Not yet! Seriously.....

We were talking the other day that it seems like every year they put holiday items out earlier and earlier.  This year one large store had snowsuits out in August.  Hmm..... a little premature. 

Halloween and Christmas are now out at the same time! I mean really it is October.  No scratch that it started in September. Can we not celebrate Halloween first.  Remembrance Day next (still no Christmas items out yet) and then WHAM be all done up on November 15th if that is your preference.

What is the rush? Money and profit. There it is out there. That is the rush. Get people spending sooner and longer - cash some can't afford and the majority of on items we don't need or want.

What do you think of Christmas items or any items out months before the actual holiday or event?

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Getting ready for autumn

WHAT happened to summer?  We didn't get enough beach time in, sitting on outside patios or time at the cottage. It rolled, no raced, into September. The summer fun list does not have enough boxes ticked. If you still have summer weather get out there and make the most of it. If you are ready for autumn (seriously?) here are a few things to start on:

  • Pumpkins and gourds are out so if you like to decorate with these colorful items now is the time to pick them up.
  • Check your candles and essential oils - do you have your fall scents ready? If not start picking them up. 
  • If you didn't take your winter coats and jackets to the cleaners in the spring, get off your butt and take them in now (before you need them).
  • We hate to actually type these words out but....... if you have an extensive Christmas buying list now is the time to start picking items up. We only have X many pay cheques before the big day.
  • Check your fall/winter makeup - check expiry dates and see if you need to pick up any trending lipstick colors!
  • September is usually the month when classes and courses start back up. Check your libraries, university and community centers for what is going on. 
Let us know what you are up to this autumn and anything we should be putting on out "to do" lists.

Friday, 31 August 2018

What happened here ! !

Okay, take a breath. Another one.  It is the last day in August.  WHAT HAPPENED??  It was just June. We were just thinking about the new trends and colors for summer. Those cute sandals with the straps wrapping up the ankle. Getting the most out of our sun dresses, sipping cocktails on outdoor patios, trips to the beach. So much to do and all summer to do it.

Well, again what happened? July rolled in and out before we knew it. A few of us took vacation and squeezed in some cottage time.  Yes we sat at out door patios and enjoyed ourselves but it wasn't enough. The calendar flipped to August. Okay one full month left. Lots of time to squeeze in summer. Again a few vacations and beach days but never enough. The days rolled into week and now we are looking at the last day of the month.

Did you make the most of summer? Is your summer to do list all crossed off? Or are you a fall person and just wanted to get through it for cooler weather?  Let us know.  Also let us know if there are any topics you'd like us to discuss or maybe do a rant on.  After all it is almost fall.

Friday, 10 August 2018

Beat the humidity

It seems like the country/world is going through heat warnings on a daily basis. Combine that with high humidity and you got it.....a sticky mess. When you walk out the door and within seconds you are dripping water like you just emerged from the shower. Humidity is calling. No, more than calling is evading and through the door and all over your floors.

If you are dealing or maybe not dealing with the heat and humidity we have a few ideas for you to consider.
  • Head to the mall.  If you are having a non-spending month don't bring anything but ID. You are there to cool off. Walk around and sit in the food court. Bring a book and stay for a while.
  • Head to the theatre.  There must be something there you won't find offensive.  
  • Head to the beach. Bring an umbrella if you have one and water.  
  • Head to the basement.  If you have a basement it is likely cooler there.
  • Head to a friend's place that has air conditioning. Make sure you bring them a treat. A good treat.
  • Head to a museum.  Most museums will have AC. Why not get culture and support the arts at the same time.
We would like to know how you beat humidity so drop us a line in the comments!

Monday, 30 July 2018

Ways coffee makes our day !

Ways coffee makes our day
  •  Wakes me up.  Well obvious but this is a post about how coffee makes our day.
  • Slows me down. This seems counter-intuitive but it is true for me. When I head to a coffee shop it is a whole experience. I sit, text, sip, social media and sip again. I am not worrying about getting to the next place. I am enjoying where I am right there and then.
  • Social. Planning a coffee date on the weekend. There are so many coffee shops – new and old favourites to try. I have to say I enjoy walking into a new place and checking out the décor and seating arrangement.
  • Cold coffee. Yummy. I find it a treat in the summer, especially if sitting outside.
  • Connection. This takes place more at work. It is 3:00 o’clock and everyone is in need of a shot of energy.  So you walk over to grab a coffee together or make it.
  • Exercise.  Yes you read that right. If I need coffee I head out at lunch time to pick it up. Easier than on the way home, plus I am getting a walk in and out of the office.

How does coffee make your day. We would love to hear from you?

Friday, 13 July 2018

Blogs we are currently digging!

We thought we’d share some blogs we are currently digging.  We’re also hoping you might drop a line in the comments of blogs we should be checking out.  So here goes in no particular order…..

Thursday, 14 June 2018

Where is your mental happy place?

Life can rough. Family, friends, work, health, finances - need we say more. There are a lot of demands on our time and energy. How do you catch your breath? How do we get a break? Or is that even possible in our fast path world?

If you can't escape physically, what about mentally? What can you do to re-energize? Here are a few things we do to just get that break at least mentally.

  • Breath. Sounds too simple. But we are not talking about that shallow breathing we do. Sit or stand and take deep breaths. Feel your belly expanding. 
  • Stretch. If you can do the Sun Salutation great. If you can't even simple head and shoulder rolls are good.
  • Visualize. Picture yourself at the beach. Hiking. Sitting in the forest. Visualize some place that will put a smile on your face.
  • Write.  Start a gratitude journal. Be specific don't write I had a good day. Write exactly what happened to make it a good day.
  • Read.  There are great quotes out there or find an inspirational book. Keep it in your pursue.
  • Music.  Just listening to music can change your mood. Make up a happy playlist. 
  • Walk.  If you can get outside do it. Even if you just walk around the block do it.
Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Do what you have to do to keep emotional, physical and spiritually happy.  This is your life.

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Dreams and Fantasies

We thought this would be a neat idea of a "get to know" you post. I mean sharing dreams and fantasies! After much talk it was decided only certain fantasies would be shared. There has to be some criteria here. I mean really.... These are various fantasies from a variety of people. No joke your thinking as you read them.

Living on Mars. Or maybe more to the point space travel. You know Star Trek, Star Wars. Exploring the galaxy. Meeting new life-forms that are hopefully more welcoming than the current one.

To attend fashion week in either Paris or Milan. Part of this fantasy is to be able to purchase the items and fit into them. Also part of the package is staying at the most prestige hotel and mingling with the designers and celebrities.

World cruise. Large balcony, well really best rooms on the ship period. This cruise would allow longer stops if necessary. More personal. Okay I own the ship so if I want to stay in Greece or Italy longer I do. Ship totally built to my needs.

We all decided on one fantasy together. That we owned property in various places around the world where we could meet whenever we wanted and party. Places like Paris, London, Prague, New York and of course we have our other friend's yacht, so trips around South America would be in order.

Do you have a fantasy? We could love to hear it or even add it to ours! It is all part of living and loving. 

Saturday, 28 April 2018

Weekend Coffee Share

Eclectic Ali  weekend coffee share is just what we need to get our blogging juices flowing. I mean, really, coffee and talking? Isn't that what life is all about? 

Hard to get the head around the last weekend in April.  Spring and summer clothes out and checking what is NOT going to be worn this season and what we need to supplement. Always supplement. Also looking at sandals and thinking why did I keep these? The soles are shot? A few of us have a goodwill bag started and on the floor by the closet. One of us is purging her winter items as she transitions into the warmer weather. Good idea as what do they say - only touch a piece of paper (or whatever) once and deal with it?

We are loving the colors of rose, pink and turquoise this season and will be adding that to our wardrobes.  Hope everyone is having a lovely last weekend in April.  We need more coffee.

Saturday, 21 April 2018

Weekend coffee share

We haven't participated in weekend coffee share in a while. April is speeding by and we are slowly transitioning into spring. Only one of us has started wearing their spring jacket. The rest of us, not so much. There have been cold damp days in April.  If April showers bring forth May flowers than in the next week it had better warm up or nothing will be forthcoming.

As for the weekend, one of us is house cleaning. Even going so far as to wash kitchen cabinets. I mean really. Since I am typing I get to say that as it isn't me. School fairs are fast approaching so work to be done on that. Calling volunteers, crossing fingers that the weather gets warmer and heading to the Dollar Plus store to pick up prizes.  We are enjoying the longer days.  Getting home and having a few hours of daylight just gives you more energy.

Well that is what is happening with us. Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Always enjoy having coffee with you.

Sunday, 15 April 2018

5 things that make us smile

Listening to the news is hard on the head and can be emotional when seeing people hurt and killed. Where is the positive stuff or are we missing it?  We know good people are doing good things - can we not see a bit more of that?

Decided to post 5 things that make us smile as needed this month!

  1. Watching my cat pounce and play.  If you don't have a cat check out YouTube.
  2. A good comedy. Well written. Not relying on people falling down or slapstick I think it is called. 
  3. A walk in a park or forest. Just being near trees and nature.
  4. Listening to someone discuss their passion and excitement about possibilities. 
  5. Just being in flow doing something you love. Gardening, reading, writing or yoga. You name it.
What makes you smile? Would love to hear from you. 

Saturday, 7 April 2018

Our top 5 self-care to dos

There is a lot of talk out there around self-care so we decided to jump on the bandwagon.  Self-care can have an extensive range.  We talked about a wide range of self-care as everyone has their own opinion.  As women who do too much we narrowed it down to our top five. Here is goes:

  1. Heading to a coffee shop alone to catch up on emails, people watch or just for a cup of coffee.
  2. Soak in the tub. This means being clear with people who want your attention. Do NOT interrupt me when I am in the bathroom. That is what 911 is for and there will be consequences if I am interrupted.
  3. Facial - at home or heading to a spa. We have a day spa here that has a facial bar. Where you can get together with your friends and all have facials together. You do your own facial but staff helps you pick out kind and gives instructions. You can also get a glass of wine there.
  4. Massage. See if your health plan pays for them or a percentage.
  5. Going out for a nice meal. Maybe trying out that new restaurant or going to an old favorite.
What do you do for self-care? We are always looking for new ways to pamper ourselves!!

Friday, 23 March 2018

Read the fine print - this was in my face and I didn't catch it.

I am taking over the blog - at least for this post.  I recently decided my eyes where showing their age. I know there is no such thing as "anti-aging" anything but figured I'd just start a routine of at least softening the look.

NeoStrata was recommended. It was more than I usually pay for make-up products, but what the hell.  I followed the directions and what a mess. It did say discontinue if irritation occurs. It did. I am now moisturizing my eye lids and around my eyes as they are raw from the product. I am well aware that not everything works for everyone and yes irritation can occur. My skin is usually more resilient.

My issue with the product is when I read "In vivo tests with 3% Beautieye on 24 volunteers, aged between 40 and 79 years of age".  24 volunteers! What the #&*(.   24 volunteers could be your family and friends. The people who work the same floor as you. How can it be a tested on just 24 volunteers?  By the way 1 out of 24 = 4%.  So chances are at least 4% of people will get irritation. 

The point here is read the fine print on the package. It was there (see below) and if I had read tested on 24 volunteers I might have thought twice. As for me, that is not enough of a test sample for anything. Two dozen - that's it. 

The product I am currently using to moisturize and help clear up the mess is a product I paid less than $5 for.  Hmm... you get what you pay for does not apply here for me.  Read the fine print and think - has that really been tested or just passed out to friends and co-workers?

Sunday, 25 February 2018

Weekend Coffee Share !!


Last weekend in February! WTF happened. Again! Busy week with work, home and not enough play. No play during the week leads to grumpy weekend when errands and house-hold chores eat into two days. Taking a few minutes to #weekendcoffeeshare (head over to Eclecticali to get all the info) as feel I can hopefully regroup after this.

Errands yesterday noticed not only St. Patrick's Day items around but Easter! Well, to be honest I noticed the Easter items last week and just avoided the aisle. I mean really? I think St. Patrick's stuff was out before Valentine's Day was cleared away?  Are we that money hungry we can't let one holiday (I use that term extremely loosely) end before starting the next money grab? 

That was my Saturday. Today housework right after I finish another cup of coffee and calm down from my above rant. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Saturday, 3 February 2018

January where did it go???

The first weekend in February - WTF happened to January!  Good intention for 2018 on many fronts just didn't happen. Enough about that, let's discuss what did and be positive.  One of us (honestly this is embarrassing to type) finally got a feather duvet.  She loves it and now wants seasonal covers.

There was a long weekend in Las Vegas with a trip to Sedona, shows and a cheap hotel room. Loved the Cirque du Soleil Beatles.  Recommendation definitely. Sedona the wish was more time.  Head over to Google and check Sedona out with its red rocks and breathtaking scenery.  Words can't do it justice - below is a teaser.
Sedona, Arizona

Another highlight was Spotify.  Someone is dancing around their home and is constantly telling the rest of us to check it out.  Okay will put on "to do" list.  New boots was another highlight.  Yes you look fabulous in them.  So that is a little recap of January and our intentions to post more. Yeah, that didn't happen.  New month so anything goes. 

Saturday, 13 January 2018

Weekend coffee share


First month of a new year. Still wondering where the old year went. We all have various goals for this year ranging from travel, exercise and finishing projects we started last year. One goal is to blog more so we are taking the rein on that!  

Weekend coffee share is a brilliant idea as we love our coffee. Especially on the weekend when we are not rushed and can pour that second or third cup and just be. This weekend will consist of errands. Head over to Eclecticali  for further information on weekend coffee share.

Groceries needed and housework not done during the week. Boring stuff. What we do want to do is start to get organized for coming events. Get back in the habit of checking the local paper and social media for what is happening in our area. Concerts, lectures, art opening and more. Even libraries have events. So decision was over coffee, or another beverage later in the day, we will scroll through our social media, pop into different websites and make note of what is coming up. We want to take advantage of what our city has to offer.

Hope everyone is enjoying their coffee and weekend share!