Monday 27 March 2017

Are you upright? Posture a good thing.

We all agree that we struggle with posture. Research is saying with Smartphones and other devices people's posture is getting worse as our necks are down and shoulders hunched accessing our devices. Even just sitting a few of us always cross our legs. We complain about being stiff but don't do anything about it but the occasional head to the side.

If you have every taken yoga when the instructor says lower your shoulders you are like oh I didn't realize they were up.  And they are up all the time! Bring them up to your ears right now, drop them and push them back. Do it as you read this and see where they land. Not where they started.

We are challenging ourselves to be more aware of our posture.  Maybe when you walk through a door you lower your shoulders and slightly push them back. Also suck in your stomach. Find a short routine in the morning to do some stretches. There are two links for you to check out. If we get into a routine now we will be flexible as we age and who doesn't want that!

5 stretches you should do every am

Morning stretches from Pop Sugar Fitness

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