Friday, 24 February 2017

52 weeks in 52 words writing challenge !

Check out Sacha Black writespiration 52 weeks in 52 words.  Here is my attempt for this week. 

It’s been a long time since Norma was this mad.  Her smile is tight but she is determined to keep it on until she makes it out the door. She only has herself to blame – she should have known Ashley was setting her up.  Norma is choked she is feeling this way. 

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

The story of you can't be complacent

Deal, no deal sign
Conversation over coffee drifted into internet service or providers to be more exact. Here is the story of what you should not do (well not the first sentence).

Once upon a time you purchase an internet/cable/phone bundle for six months to a year which is a good deal.  After the time frame you pay the "regular" price. You see deals enticing new customers after your deal is completed and you call to see if you can get a new deal or even a slightly better price. Being the loyal customer you are. No, you have a great deal. Nothing for you. Oh.

So you go along with life and make the occasional call or drop into the store when in the mall, you know just to check to see if you can get your price down. Nope. You got a good deal. Then it happens, you receive a good deal in the mail from a competitor.  You head over and sign-up. You don't bother checking your current provider as for the past year deals have come and go and you just couldn't access them.  You are happy and saving money. Then they call. Yes, your old service provider "why are you leaving us?" WHAT! Now there is a deal - too late as new guy is here.

We realize you have all heard and lived this story. The big guys want us to be complacent - they count on it no profit on it! So have a good look on what you currently have. Can you get a better deal? What items i.e. cable? home phone? could you get rid of?  Don't be complacent - they don't care and won't do anything for you.  Only you can take care of you.  Our rant!

Thursday, 2 February 2017

#Loveuary Challenge


We are participating in  But I Smile Anyway Loveuary Challenge.  Pop over to her site and get the low down on love for the month of February or Loveuary!!  

Is love too strong a word to use for an inanimate object?  Before that decision was made the definition of love was discussed at nausea. Summary is love should invoke a rush of warmth for starters and are you willing to fight for this love? That discussion brought out yes I’d fight for the last piece of chocolate or good coffee, but in the end it was decided no. We might say we love coffee/chocolate and yes we might get a warm feeling when we are enjoying it, but fight for it?  Hmmm…….not in the way we would fight for a loved one or even a sense of justice.  

Are we too casual about tossing the word love around?  We quickly check a Thesaurus and came away with adore, fancy, like and appreciate for other words for love. Final decision was we appreciate good chocolate and coffee and might go as far as adore it when it is melting in our mouth, but we’ll save the love word for something more substantial.