Wednesday 25 January 2017

Pinterest or burst. Are you actively using your Pinterest Account?

We are well into winter now. No going for leisurely walks after supper or sitting outside while you BBQ (we realise die-hard BBQ all year long). 

We started discussing what everyone was up to over coffee. Pinterest came up. How many boards we have and what we pin was put on the table. There are a wide variety of boards from travel, beauty tips, fashion, DIY, crafts and more. So, with all this pinning is anyone actually doing anything with the ideas? Or are we just accumulating ideas on our boards and for what? One person said their travel board was for retirement. Really? This person, who will remain nameless, does get vacation time so…… Someone had tried a few beauty tips but admits she hasn’t popped into that board for a while. A few of us have craft and DIY boards, but have been lazy. There are so many great ideas just sitting there waiting to be tackled. 

The decision. Winter is the perfect time of year for purging and organising. We agree to go through our Pinterest boards and pins and clean up any that are no longer relevant. Second part is to actually do some of the projects we have pinned and report back. Do you have Pinterest boards you haven’t opened for a while, but continue to just randomly pin ideas to? Think about sitting down one evening and start to go through them. Seriously look at your pins and if you know you will never tackle that. Delete it. For others write down what you need for supplies and go for it. We would love to hear what your plan of attack is for Pinterest.  

PS we all love Pinterest just in case it didn't come across in the above!  xo

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