Wednesday, 28 December 2016

New Years Resolutions - we think not

We have all been there.  The start of a new year - to be healthier, travel more, get a better job, be a better partner, parent, friend or complete that project under the bed.  You know which one I mean - the quilt, applique or the great gothic novel.

Well, the Coffee Cluster had a group consensus of no resolutions this year (this alone was big!).  None, nada, not for me or you or you. We are all tied of failure and beating ourselves up over unreal expectations.  This year we are just putting it out there to try and do better in all aspects of our lives.  To be kinder, work harder and most important be more gentle and forgiving with ourselves.  To realize we are not perfect and that is okay as long as we are trying and being our best selves and knowing we will not be at our best all the time and no beating ourselves up over that.

So that is how we are starting the year - how about you?

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Taking blogging to the next step !

The Coffee Cluster is just starting to dip our toes into the blogging community, but so far we are finding it very supportive.  We participated in our first blog party and it was great.  Check out There were lots of neat blogs and bloggers who were so supportive, creative and encouraging.  Plenty of liking, commenting and sharing at the party and of course coffee.  

There was no competitiveness there – which we found a bit surprising.  Really, people only have so much time and energy so where do they want to spend it?  If they choose that blog, they are not spending time on my blog. So why would anyone encourage their competition?  Oh right, we are bloggers, this is a community not a sport field! 

There has been a shift in mentality to when I do well we all do well and that there is enough success out there for everyone and their blog (or whatever floats your boat).  Can you imagine if the rest of the world were like bloggers?  Sharing information freely, encouraging each other, being each other cheerleaders!  No competitiveness as no need – we are a community and what is good for one is good for all.  WOW what a world that would be.  Let's take what we have as bloggers and start putting it out there to the greater community.  We (bloggers) rock.  Thank you and we are looking forward to doing our part in this fab group of individuals!  

Monday, 5 December 2016

Simplify Christmas

The Coffee Cluster discussed how overwhelmed people get at this time of year.  The discussion was all over the table with “its a yearly event so it shouldn’t come as a big surprise” to “this can be such a sad time of year for people”.  Well, there was no disputing either statement.   Yes, the holidays arrive every December but people are also living lives the other 11 months a year.  Not everyone one (hint at the table) is a planner.  Others rush and are stressed this time of year and there are even a few people that get off being overbooked and having too much on their plate.  Yes, there are those people.

How can we get to a happy medium and enjoy the season?  What can we do to take some stress off?  A few ideas batted around the table were lower expectations, set a limit on gift giving and start earlier.  It is all easier said than done for some people.  The planner said create lists early – most of us know who we purchase gifts for so look all year around for that unique item.  Another idea was have a discussion about purchasing family gifts or donate in someone’s name to a charity. 

What about cutting back on decorating?  There were moans around the table, as there is an expectation of pulling it all together for people.  In that case get “these people” to help decorate if they want the place to look like Christmas.  Yes, we can be brutal at the table.  What about a tree decorating party – we did have that one year and it went over well.  Make it a potluck of course!  Delegate was tossed around to frowns and smiles.

Recap of what we went away with was to have a tree decorating party one evening next week for someone overwhelmed.  Another person is going to bake a large batch of short breads and divide up.  We are all going to go through our decorations when we pull them out this year and toss anything we feel is no longer us and simplify.  A few of us are going to go shopping one evening right after work next week. 

So is there anything you can give up?  Delegate?  Get rid of?  Simplify this holiday season?  Do it.

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Are pink Christmas trees really Christmas?

The Coffee Cluster is dishing about can a pink tree really be considered a Christmas tree.  Note decision made to call it a Christmas tree – not a holiday tree – so stop reading if offended already.  It took a while to get the white tree off the table but majority rule was “that tree could be snow covered”.  Pink, not so much.  So phones were out and pictures were shown.  Decorating décor was taken into consideration.  Bit of a discussion over if you wanted a pink tree to put it in your daughter’s or master bedroom.  No, this Coffee Cluster was about having your pink tree for all to see. 

All you have to do is put pink tree in any search engine and WOW.  There are a lot of different shades of pink trees out there.  No one came right out and said the pink trees in the pictures were ugly, just that they didn’t look like Christmas.  That brought out the question “what exactly does Christmas look like and who gets to define it?”  That demanded more coffee.  The talk over defining Christmas was it can be about traditions and your family keeping them, making or changing them.  Nothing should be stagnating if it no longer works.  Take a step back and re-evaluate if that five hour drive is worth it.  Christmas should also be about feelings and giving.  It can be a time of getting together to celebrate the season.  Of giving of your time to worthy causes during a hard time of year for some individuals.  Taking time to be grateful for what you have not what you want.

So the final decision of the Coffee Cluster was if we (at this table) get to define Christmas as giving and feeling grateful than yes we can have a pink Christmas tree.  If a pink tree makes us smile and gives us a warm grateful feeling than that makes it a Christmas tree.

Monday, 28 November 2016

Party in or out ?

The coffee cluster are discussing party in or out?  It is coming up to that time of year where organisations are deciding whether to have their holiday party at a restaurant or if some brave sole is willing to host at their home.  Some of us in the cluster are not brave soles.

If the decision is to host at the brave sole's, or BS for convenience sake for rest of discussion, home.  Then factors like partners, kids and pets have to be taken into account.  If anyone in your work group is fearful of animals, kids or partners is it fair to imprison you family member for hours at a time?  Consensus was in this case imprisonment was not fair, so house party out.  

The BS will either have potluck or collect money and purchase food.  Hmmm.... BS why do you want to go out and do unnecessary shopping at this time of year?  Noted by one individual - at any time of year.  One consideration is cheaper food and drinks if at BS's home.  Decision was this should be weighted strongly.

Factor in the BS's home should be large enough for flow of X many people.  Another plus is BS will do major cleaning before party which was on holiday list already.

Restaurant consideration.  The meal and drinks will be more expensive.  Positive no on is put on the spot to host. Also if you have a vibrant downtown, it might be nice to try out a new restaurant or revisit an old friend.  Remember the potluck?  Well, that is so not happening if the decision is restaurant so you are off the hook baking/cooking or seeking in and picking up a party tray of something.

Friends we are finished our coffee and have to move on.  We have list of things to do also. Sorry no consensus on party in or out.  Majority rules in majority of cases.  Regardless, have a great time wherever you show up and remember it doesn't have to be either or!!  It is not for us!!