Happy Holidays!
December is such a busy month. The holidays (lots of them to celebrate), school concerts, shopping, events both at work and home. Oh lets toss family into the mix. Deep breath.
Looking back at this year we see hardly any posts. It was our worst year posting. That said we decided to take our advice and NOT beat ourselves up. Life happens. Period. So we didn't post a lot this year. It is neither good or bad. It just is. There is nothing to apologize for or beat ourselves up over.
Taking our own advice of being gentle. It is okay to have off days. It is okay to not get everything done on the to do list. It is okay to, well, not post as much as we wanted. It is okay to let life happen.
Our time and energy are not limitless. Acknowledge that. We don't want to take a limit resource, which is what time and energy are, and use it to rant about not being good bloggers. To take our energy and rant over something we no longer have control over.
We would rather take that energy and yes time and enjoy the holiday season. To be gentle and let go of expectations not met. We're all human. Be gentle. Take a breath. Let it go. We start over and that is okay. So happy holidays. Enjoy the season. Let go of negativity and regrets. Waste of energy. Remember we only have so much so spend your time and energy on things that bring you joy.
Happy Holidays
Enjoy the season
Take care.