Friday, 30 December 2022

The time between the holidays

 Happy holidays.  It is the time between Christmas and New Year. Where some of us are breathing again and some of us are re-ramping up.  New Year's parties anyone?

Family gatherings. Packing and leaving the house or making space for incoming.  Trying not to stress over sleeping arrangements, flights arriving/leaving on time, enough food, family dynamics (who to sit next to who) and spending too much. Most of all expectations that might be met or not met. We put so much on ourselves over making the perfect holiday. It is even possible?

We had a talk before the holidays about expectations and lowering them. We can't make it perfect for everyone as we don't know what people expect or even how they will react. Some people love drama. Others detest. So we tried (emphasis that word) to not expect things to be perfect. We did our best and worked at letting it go. 

Okay place not as clean as I would want. Didn't get all my cards sent out. Can't control flights so not taking that on or apologizing like my fault. Saying yes if people offer to clean up or bring something. Leaving dishes in sink to talk to people now. Lowering what I expect - like behavior I have no control over especially adults. Big thing don't apologize for other adults' behaviour. That is on them not us. Learn to walk away if starting to feel stressed. That is what bathrooms and bedroom are for.

To start the year with lessons learned. Lower expectations for holidays and people. Enjoy them where they are coming from. Don't expect to fix them or fix everything around you. Learn to let stuff go. Don't take stuff on that doesn't concern us. Put ourselves higher on the priority list. This is what we want to head into the new year with. Lessons learned and put in place.

Wednesday, 28 December 2022

Word of the year

 We are taking the challenge and have started thinking about a word for the year.  you can always start now has a post on finding your word for the year.  Summary think about how you want to feel and what you want / need to do in the coming year.  Read the full post it is worth it.

There is no right or wrong word. It is your word. You can always start now says it keeps her focused and pushes and challenges her. We are so in for that! 

So we're over here thinking of feelings, projects and needs.  If you have a word for the year let us know! We'll keep you posted in the new year what our words are and why.  It is bring focus hello!!!!

Thursday, 15 December 2022

The Holidays are here - how did that happen!

 Hello, it has been over a month since our last post.  Life has been happening and now a few of us are on panic mode.  A few not. The holidays shouldn't be stressful. What expectations have we put on ourselves and others? What can we change? Conversations to be had. We don't have to do it all and it shouldn't be expected that we do.

Put the brakes on expectations yours and others. People do not need expensive gifts. They need your time and attention. Give people experiences.  A walk, make soup together, a craft together, go out to supper and that is everyone present. Being together with no shopping or expectations just together.

It might be too late to start changing things up now - or maybe not. But it is time to start the conversation of what we can do different next year.  Have a family / friend conversation of making Christmas and/or holiday less commercial and more time and attention.

Happy Holidays