Friday, 21 April 2017

Facebook etiquette? Is it needed?

A few of us have many “friends” on Facebook and some of those friends post a lot; to the point that if you are not checking your Facebook at least once an hour you are missing posts.  You don’t want to unfriend these people but what is the etiquette on posting?  Do you really have to post you are at the cinema or the mall?  Do I need to see a picture of your frolicking on the beach on numerous occasions?  How many fabulous meals can you have in one day?

This conversation came about because someone posted an event on Facebook and a few of us missed it.  Okay, one of us doesn’t check their Facebook daily even but still.  This was an interesting event that ended up way down the page because of well, posts about celebrities’ look-a-likes, selfies, pictures of meals and what you scored on a quiz about Star Wars.  So what do you think about establishing Facebook etiquette?  Should we have a maximum amount of posts per day per person? Should we be setting up separate pages for Facebook addict posters? Or just a page for events only?  

We decided if the event or information was that important or time sensitive to email it not just post on Facebook.  But seriously think before you press that publish button. Not everyone is interested in you flooding their feed. 

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

What unites us in Spring ! !

We all agreed (surprise) that certain seasons are pretty well locked in.  Summer is warm, beach weather and gardening.  We are using are BBQ s in full-force, sitting on outside patios and taking the world in. Life is good. Autumn rolls around and some of us are ready for it if the humidity was bad in the summer. Plus in certain areas it is beautiful with the leaves changing colours. We are enjoying our warm days, cooler nights for sleeping.  Winter is cold and snowy.  Christmas holidays happen so everyone is full on in high speed preparing for that.  January through March can be long and often harsh with snow and freezing rain. That is winter. Then it happens for some of us and not for others but the calendar says SPRING.  

Some places note the tulips peeping through the earth.  The earth is softening and temperature inching into the double digits. Others are still in their winter coats and thinking “when is the snow finally going to be gone?” Spring is the one season we agreed that is not locked in.  It can be a few months for some and maybe three days for others. Seriously, if you live there you know what I mean.  So mulling this while we enjoy our coffee (during any season) we think what unites us all in spring.  Rubber boots. That is it.  No matter where we are or how short spring is rubber boots unite us. 

So to rubber boots in all shapes, colours, patterns and sizes.  They are our spring fashion statement.  Get out there and rock those rubber boots this spring no matter where you are!