Wednesday, 18 October 2023

Getting it together

 WOW we are half way through October - what the #&@* happened!  September is always like a cannon shot out the door. But things usually slow down a bit towards the end of the month. Not this year. The traffic start of September was awful. Summer vacations over, kids back at university, people back in the office, but this year it hasn't calmed down.  Also I thought people were working from home! 

For some reason it feels like we haven't settled into a routine once school, life, fall started this year. Things keep coming at us and taking a breath doesn't seem to be happening.  Trying to squeeze things in and blogging slips constantly to the back of the pile. Admit it - if just for you it usually is the first thing to fall off the plate. 

The thing is if we are behind the eight ball now what will we be like before the holidays? Scrambling fast. We want to enjoy the holidays - well any season period. We decided we have to take control and say no and set a time for us. Even if 15 minutes to read. You see those posts if you read 10 minutes a day you will read XX books a year. If you walk 15 minutes a day you will have walked XX in a year. You know the drill.

So we are going to take that 10-15 minutes. Even if it means sitting in the car before going inside after work. Listening to music, read a few pages, write to do, whatever.  We need that ten minutes to start to feel we are trying to get a handle on things.

Deep breath. How are you doing?  

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