Wednesday, 30 June 2021

What have we lost and what have we gained during COVID-19

 Yes another COVID-19 post.  I'm sure you are sick of them. This post will be positive we are all aware of what we have lost in the past year and a bit. Time, money, energy and heaven forbid family and/or friends. This is random as we all had something to say!

  • Gain - time at home. Maybe not everyone has appreciated working from home but I have. I'm getting my work done and also a load of laundry. Seriously. People think you won't work as hard or long but I think we do. There is less office chat with co-workers. Meetings in the hallway and sharing of what our plans are for the weekend.  I don't feel bad putting a load of wash on or running the dishwasher. I have gained a bit more time in the evenings working from home.
  • Lost -time at home.  Okay above had her take on it. Mine is different. I think I am working longer hours as, maybe this is my workplace, seems to think I will answer emails after five. The expectation I'm finding is we seem to be on-call more. So load of laundry or not, I'm rather come to work and walk out the door and mean it.
  • Lipstick - lose or gain you decided. Mask wearing does not lend itself to lipstick. I so don't want to see a stain of pink, blush or red on my mask when I take it off. Someone said the lipstick industry is losing money? I can so see that as I just don't bother. So a lose or gain let me know.
  • Gain - reading.  I have read more during COVID-19.  With less places to go I've started reading more. I used to read all the time when I was younger than life happened. COVID-19 has given me permission to stay home and read.
  • Gain - awareness.  COVID-19 has made me aware of essential services. I mean before this I wouldn't have classified grocery clerks as essential services. But seriously they are! They worked during the whole damn thing. Getting groceries didn't stop during COVID-19.
  •  Gain - crafting.  I found on-line painting tutorials and loving them. The classes run one to two hours so in-depth and a great escape. Not saying they all turn out but have enjoyed doing them and being in the moment.
  • Gain - house. Being home made me more aware of how I spend time in my home. What rooms I use and don't. What rooms I need and don't have. Open concept has been pushed in recent years and yes it lovely seeing the family in the kitchen, dining and living room. COVID-19 not so much. I would have loved having am extra room for school, crafts, office. a separate dining room maybe?
  • Lost travel. I think this has been major for me as I live for a plane ticket. 2020 and 2021 basically a write off. Plus not sure what travel will look like in the future. Will it be so expensive it will be out of the average person's budget? 
What do you think you have gained or lost because of COVID-19?

Monday, 21 June 2021

Happy First Day Of Summer ! !

 Happy first day of summer!  Can you believe it.  This year is racing by. The days at times feel long but the months are fast. Does that make sense? I guess getting older makes me appreciate time more. Having less of it. Always waiting for the weekend, which is what 28.5% of my week.  So basically racing through 71% of my life for two days.

That was got to stop. 71% WHAT!  Or people that live for summer and heat. I just want winter over with.  Again that could be three-five months for some people.  Which is a good chunk of your life. Think about it.  We are willing to write off 50-70% of our lives because of the weather or a work day. I for one don't like those numbers.

What can we do? Well to start with enjoy all seasons. If you find winter long take up a winter activity. That can range from skiing, curling to reading. Work days don't leave all your housework until the weekend and complain you had no free time. Break it up into manageable pieces you can complete during the week. You can take two evenings to clean the bathroom. Toss a load of laundry in. Free up more of your weekend but managing your week better.

Oh yeah what about taking a class one night a week. Setting boundaries over screen time. Creating a bucket list of events/festivals in your area. Supporting local business. Seeing what is offered twelve months a year in your area. The library is a good place to start.

The biggest take-away is stepping back and realizing we are wishing over 70% of our lives away. Seriously. That has to stop. Make the most of each day. If you hate your job that much maybe you need a major overhaul.  Make the most of each day and each moment. Create moments during the day whether you are at work or not.

Don't wish life away once it is gone.......just saying.

Monday, 7 June 2021

Artisan Boxes

 It has been an incredible hard year plus for everyone.  Kids have been in and out of school. People are working from home that never signed on for that. Grandparents are not seeing grandchildren and travel is well non-existent.  

Small businesses are struggling. Yes things are opening up and hopefully will stay open for the summer season and local tourists can take up the slack from no out of province visitors. This will be another hard summer for small business that rely on visitors coming to cities and local areas.  

We wanted to showcase one way people can help small business and local artisans by purchasing gift boxes. These boxes are put together to showcase artisan products. These products range from jewelry, soup, pottery, essential oils, candles and more.  WOW something for everyone. So if you want to support artisans here are a few boxes we think would do the trick.

Blush Box some high-end products that are not sample sizes. The spring box had a beautiful gold necklace, earrings, candle and more. Definitely check it out.

Hodgepodge artisan box is cheaper than the Blush Box so maybe more affordable for individuals. Again local Nova Scotia products in this one.

Happy Artisan Gift Box this box is made from Alberta artisans producing small batches of products at home. 

Joy Box a larger producing box. Can also build your own box. Has seasonal and special occasion boxes as well.

We know this is a small sample of artisan gift boxes out here. They are all Canadian in different areas of the country. If you know and/or have an artisan gift box you can recommend please drop it in the comments so we can check it out. It feels good to support artisans and this gives you a taste of more than one!