Tuesday 6 April 2021

We have to hold fast

 It has been over a year now since we closed down.  Opened, closed and opened again.  COVID-19 is still out there. Over the weekend we were discussing COVID-19 fatigue. Yes it is a thing. We think the majority of the world has it.

People are getting vaccinated - great - but we can't get complacent. The vaccine is one line of defense. Some positive numbers for COVID in places are as high as they were at the beginning. People we have to hold fast!  Mask, wash our hands, physical distance and stay home. Festivals and events should no be happening yet! With numbers on the rise and governments slow to shut down we have to hold fast ourselves. We can't wait for our governments to tell us what to do. At this point we know what to do. It has been over a year.

If governments are going to put the economy before health we have to take a stand. We can support local through on-line and take-out. Yes we know it has been a long year and people are tired. So tired. Life seems on hold at times. We get it. We feel the same.

The thing is if we don't hold fast this might get out of control (it has again in some places). Then all the sacrifices we have made might be for nothing. This isn't going away anytime soon. Vaccines or no vaccines. We have to take a deep breath and hold fast. 

Get back to safer measures. Cut back on socializing (hard I know). Maybe if we pull it together we might have a summer of small get togethers. Think community. Just because X and Y are not behaving safely doesn't me we follow suit. We are bigger than that.  

So hold fast.  Don't toss it in now.  Things are in place we just have to keep doing the right thing. We have this.

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