Friday, 30 October 2020

Update on goals for the past 30 days

 Earlier this month we set out goals for the next 30 days.  We thought we'd give an update.  

Summer clothes have been put away and linen closet cleaned out.  Bag ready for goodwill and SPCA.  No didn't have enough pumpkin spice latte.  

Fall decorating (for the ones who do it) has happened. Halloween treats have been picked up by some and not by others. 

 No making a wreathe wasn't in the cards. Maybe will move to winter list. Winter tires are not on but appointments have been made - so that counts. 

YES a new pursue was purchased - very exciting. Different as round and perfect fall color.  Maple or what X consider maple.

 This is the book club selection.  Has anyone read?  Thoughts? 

Have started thinking about soups and chilli but nothing happening in that area yet. If you have any recommendations for slow cookers please pass on.

Gloves sorted and winter boots good for another season.  Yeah!

Over all I think we did pretty well with our goals for the thirty days.  Realistically knew we wouldn't accomplish them all but feel main ones were checked.  

Thursday, 15 October 2020

Setting an intention

 We came across this setting our intentions and wanted to share.  Resolutions versus Intention.  The thought of setting a resolution has always been hard.  I usually fail and keep setting the same on year after year.  Eat better. Lose weight.  Exercise routine. Within three months (if not sooner) I'm done. I might try again off and on during the year but it is usually a done deal my resolution failed.

This intention sounds more doable and maybe even fun!  The site says four months is good and even shows us show to set an intention. It doesn't have to be firmly set (and shouldn't be) like a resolution. It is more like something to work on or towards.

I'm going to set an intention to work on for the rest of the year.  Two and half months - so doable. Not sure what yet will go through the progress and keep you posted.

Let me know what you think and if you set an intention what it is!

Friday, 9 October 2020

What apps are you using?

 When we are together some of us are more respectful than others and keep their phones in their pursues.  Others are on the table.  Recently we noticed the number of apps on a phone. It was what! The screen was totally covered as was the next one.  How do you find anything? Or get anything done?

There were the standard ones of Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Messenger and email. Side note not all of us have every social media app on our phone.  The extra ones were Spotify, weather, meditation, CBC, Voxer, podcast, WhatApp, Skype and Zoom.  To start with.

Do you have a favorite app and why? 

Saturday, 3 October 2020

Goals for the next 30 days

 We found this challenge and enjoyed the prompts. No we haven't followed it exactly and pulled off the thirty days.  Yes to a few.  Here is one we thought neat.  What are our goals for the next 30 days.  

  • More pumpkin spice lattes and treats
  • Finish putting away summer clothes
  • Purchase a new fall/winter pursue
  • Make a fall wreath
  • Pick out next book for book club
  • Make supper plans with the ladies 
  • Clean out linen closet (has been on list for a while)
  • Buy local
  • Start making soups. Slow cooker out
  • Go through mitts and gloves. Toss worn ones and put others in coats
  • Make sure winter boots are okay! Was I suppose to buy new ones before now???
  • Winter tires on
  • To get excited about the season - working on it
  • Fall and/or Halloween decorating
  • Halloween treats
What are your goals for the next thirty days?