Wednesday 2 January 2019

Happy New Year

Well, admitting you have a problem is half the battle.  So we admit the month of December got away from us. All of us. I/us mean really!  One of us should have been able to pull a blog post together. It didn't have to be detailed and 3000 words. It would have been about the lipstick we bought on Sunday. The one with the moisturizer in it that costs too much.

Or it could have been about what we ordered on-line for the holidays. Our favorite local businesses even. I mean we should be purchasing local. Plus Canada Post was having rotating strikes so that should have prompted more people to buy local.

But we didn't. Nope. Not one of us pulled it together to type one post in December. Nothing. We are not going to say we will do better this year because we want to be authentic and real with you. So no  promises.

What we would love is if you have a rant, comment, idea you'd like us to tackle drop us a line in the comment and we'll take it on. Again no promises you'll like what we have to say, but we promise to say something.

Bring on 2019.

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