We have gotten out of sync with posting. One of us whose main habit is reading blogs, pinning pins and crafting found #weekendcoffeeshare over at Nerd in the brain. Coffee! Well no brainer. We love coffee and sharing so here it does #weekendcoffeeshare.
Life is currently busy with transitioning over from winter to summer clothes. Always a bit of purging taking place with what NOT to put away for next winter and also why am I keeping THIS for this season. Bag on floor for goodwill. One of us found a full slip and thought what the #&*( ! She doesn't think she ever worn it - into the bag.
All the gardening centers are now up and running so talk is where to get deals on certain plants. We have some balcony dwellers here so that entails looking at how much sun the plants need. Also is it cheaper to buy all the plants separate and do our own pot or buy a pot already made up? Remember to check your Farmer's Markets for plants not just the large department stores with the plants section set up in the parking lot - you know the ones.
We are looking at summer reads so let us know any recommendations. You know that book to take to the beach or cottage. Nothing too heavy. So thanks Nerd in the brain for weekend share!!