Tuesday, 16 April 2024

Things we are crushing on!!

These are fun posts to do.  There are a few things we are crushing over.  Please let us know what you are currently interested in. 

Spring nail ideas over at A Beautiful Mess

Check out Inspired by Charm for these peanut butter and jelly cheesecake bars  (he has so many delicious stuff there).

I mean look at these from Michael also -- mason jar honey cakes

Head over to A Wandafulthing for some free SVG.  This So Happy is one of my favorites.

Can't wait for Beth Kempton new book to be released.  Japanese wisdom for a life well lived.

IKEA yellow chair.  Can see myself curled up with a coffee and a book.

Saw these and so crushing on them - totem orb meditation balls. Mini pieces of art.

Okay this is big.  A creative retreat in Italy.  Exploring Goddess through yoga and art. 

Do people have favorite Esty Shops?  Eyeing these ear rings.

What do you think of this blender?  Like the options.

Tuesday, 2 April 2024

Book Review The Crossroads of Should and Must

 A few of us read Elle Luna book The Crossroads of Should and Must.  Most of us know the should and must.  Should is get an education, good paying job (nothing airy-fairy), marry, buy a house, have kids, work and work in that good paying job.  All this is fine and if you love you life that is all that counts. But...…

The above is not the only way to live. The book talked about having a job. A career. A calling.  Are they different? They can be or maybe not. Some of us have a job that pays the bills. We do our calling on the evenings and weekends. Sometimes that is enough. Others have a career (hopefully in something you love). It is more than a job. A job was defined as going to work for eight hours and leaving. You don't take your work home it is a job. A career can be more demanding. More hours, sometimes higher education. Maybe less time to do your calling. Or maybe your calling is your career.

Society puts a lot of "shoulds" on us. From life-style to career. It is often hard to get away from the shoulds as they are so deeply ingrained. Musts can seem more selfish. More about us. What! You are putting yourself before everyone else! But not acknowledging our "musts" can cost us. In a life not lived, pain, and regrets.

We get so caught up on shoulds that our musts are pushed aside. What are our musts? Things that call to us. That light us up. That take us into flow. Where hours pass and we don't realize it. We are present doing our "must" our calling.  

To follow our musts is hard. Often we have to carve time out of our lives. That might mean disappointing people. Some people might not understand pursuing our musts. Selfish. So we have to be strong and hold onto our musts. It is worth it - imagine doing something where time is forgotten. You are in flow. Happy and creating. Musts feeds our soul. Yes lights us up. 

Ella Luna book is worth reading. She explains it so much better. She also has talks you can find. Following your must she says is crucial. Living a life where you are excited. For me it has always been about regrets. I want to have less of them. Especially over things - usually simple things - I could have tried and experienced. So find your must.