Thursday, 10 August 2023

Squeezing it all in - maybe not

Summer seems to be flying by. In less than a week it will be mid-August. The school supplies have been in the stores for a few weeks.  I expect Halloween decoration will be in the stores by the end of the month. The major holiday after that (I'm not typing it out!!) will be in the stores what...October? Definitely November.

Already I can feel the change in the weather. It was like a light switch last week. The temperature seemed to drop ten degrees in the evenings with a cool breeze. Not complaining as easier to sleep but not ready for the day time temperatures to be cooling off.  I'm happy with less humidity but wow a few morning I could feel fall in the air.

I still have a few things I haven't managed to pull off on my summer "to do" list. Looking at time and energy I'm thinking what is do able and seriously what can I let go of.  I don't want to be running around the last part of summer trying to squeeze items in and not enjoy the time I have.  To do lists always seem to have more than manageable on them.

So I'm reviewing my summer to do list. What is important enough that I'll make time for it in the next few weeks? What can I let go of. What can I move to September? I'm going to be honest about what I want and my time and energy. Which is in limited supplies

Decide what is truly important to you. Enjoy the time before things get hectic again in September. Cross some "to do" items off the list. Be gentle with yourself. We have limited resources. Use them well.