Okay it is not only fall but also the end of September. How did this happen? It seemed like last week??? We were complaining about the humidity. That hot and humid was the new summer normal and not all of us were a fan. Then........wham we flipped the calendar.
Since the first three weeks in September are technically summer, yes we know a lot of people consider September a fall month, (all month) but no. The humidity seemed to break with warm sunny days. Walks were lovely. You didn't mind being out in the afternoon as clothes not plastered to you. Life was good.
We guess the problem is the month flew by. It started great and now over. Not even sure what to say about the weeks in between. What did we do? All of us struggled to come up with a few concrete things. Yes first play of the new theatre season. Check that box. No fall crafts happening. Books club not this month as when talking in the summer thought September might be too busy.
So what exactly did we do for the month? Seriously? It is a reminder to stop and live in the moment. As apparently we didn't do that in September if we can't think of anything major that happened. Maybe nothing did and that is okay. It is just the month is over and a few of us feel we have nothing to show for it. Not even a fall craft! Look at this!
Next month we are stopping and saying this is what I am doing right now. We are making plans to meet for supper. There is the theatre, Farmer's market. We have plans. Boxes to check. Life is happening with or without us.
Happy official fall!