It is funny, living in Canada, when we hear the ground hog predicted six more weeks of winter on February 2nd any year! We sigh. We're in Canada so it is a minimum of six more weeks of winter after that date whatever the little guy predicts. Snow in March? A definite. Snow in April no big surprise. May? Sigh have seen it not happy.
That said when the calendar says spring and we flip to April it does have a lifting feeling. Like we are on the home stretch. Usually Easter is in April so a long chocolate filled weekend to look forward to. Some of us have already starting looking at Pinterest for spring crafts. Lots of bunnies there.
Life is changing with restrictions lifting. Some people embracing it, others still a bit anxious. All we hope is that everyone is kind and appreciate people are coming at this from different places. If you see someone with a mask on after it is lifted don't make it difficult for them. We have no idea where people are coming from and what issues (health for one) they are dealing with.
This post went so off topic but that is okay. The world is shifting again and we are all shifting with it. Give people grace and space. It has been a long hard two years. People have lost loved ones, jobs and dreams. Be kind. Take a deep breath if you have to and walk away.
Enjoy the freedom we are being give. Look at the world around us not everyone has it.