Monday, 20 December 2021

Hostess gifts and IKEA

Here is a few quick ideas for hostess gifts from IKEA.  Nothing expensive just a little gift to say thank you for having us.  Everything is under $10. 

You can't go wrong with Christmas napkins.  They are the best gift as you use and discard. They have a variety of designs.

Tea towels are nice. Especially festive ones.

Not everyone enjoys scented candles. Or they have their favorite scents.  So maybe consider white taper unscented ones.

Maybe pick up a few of gift bags for bottles of wine.

Hope this helps. It is also a good idea to have a few items on hand.  Napkins and gift bags already at home could save some time and energy!

Tuesday, 14 December 2021

Wrapping things up

 It is hard to wrap our head around but in a week and a half Christmas is here.  No idea where December went let alone the rest of the year.  It will soon be time to take stock of the year and start a fresh one with possibilities and plans.

This year was different.  I'm going to use that word as parts were hard and parts weren't.  We are still in a pandemic but things opened up.  We got to go to restaurants, sit on patios, take in a few shows and be with family and friends.  Oh yeah and get vaccinated!  

The hard parts were still not travelling outside of province, numbers rising and still restrictions. Thinking of we were clearing this only to be into another wave. Things are again tightening up before the holidays with numbers rising.  

This year was making the best out of what was available. Sitting on those patios, BBQs, cottages, the beach, family and friends.  Grabbing our wins when we could and shifting what was important. Supporting our community buying local.  One of us purchased artisans gift boxes all year as they are struggling with less craft shows and less people coming to the ones that were open.

So we are heading into another year in a pandemic. Another holiday season.  There is no point in being bitter of what we can't do. Everyone is in the same boat - word-wide.  If family can't get to you shift your thinking - Zoom.   Opening presents together via Zoom.  Decide to make the most of what we can do and what we have. What about making a care packages as a family for the homeless?  Check in on neighbours or people with no family near. 

We have some control over how we spend our holidays - our attitude is a major one. Decide now no matter what restrictions are in place to be positive. What ever plans you have to change, you are going to take a breath and make the most of it.  What we can do? What can we do differently?  Maybe you will find out differently is the new way to go!

Friday, 3 December 2021

Holiday Collections Anyone ???

 Turning the calendar was a bit of a shock.  How did we get to the last month of 2021? What happened to 2021?  Remember March 2020 and being told March break would be extended for a week due to COVID19 well.....we know how that went down and here we are rolling into 2022 and the world is still dealing with it.

Enough of that we want happy posts.  So we decided to showcase a few things worth collecting and displaying for the holidays.  In no particular order.....

Christmas trees.  One of us has collected glass Christmas trees for a few years. It is a beautiful collection as they come in different colors and can be placed in grouping or as a single tree.  Yes glass so can be put on the bathroom vanity so a splash of the holidays.

Nutcrackers.  This was debated to include as some like and a few others find creepy. All individual choice.  Have seen one collection going up the stairs which was a neat way to display. 

Holiday mugs and/or Santa Mugs.   Inspired by Charm (fabulous eye candy blog). Has a Santa Mug collection which he display.  This is a neat item to collect as you actually use them.  You can swap out your mugs for your holiday mugs end of November (if not before) and enjoy.  

What about holiday sweaters!  Snowflakes, ornaments, maybe the Grinch!  Something fun to pull out.

We know someone who always collects a Christmas ornaments during her travels. It is a small memory she pulls out every year.  Imagine having a tree full of travel memories.

Snowperson would be in-line with Christmas trees. Something fun to display during the holidays. Really they could be out all winter!  Such a great variety in various materials. They would look great in a grouping or scattered throughout the house!

If you have a collection please let us know. It is fun to collect a specific item and display.  Are you thinking of starting one?  Let me know.

Happy Holidays.