Over a year ago the thought of working from home was a dream. Maybe an unrealistic dream but a dream. No rush hour traffic. Sleeping in an extra half hour. That second cup of coffee and oh I'll just put a load of wash on.
The dream has become a reality for a lot of people. Some of us are fairing better than others. We also think it is job related. For people used to being in an office alone or whose job was more desk orientated to begin with maybe they are fairing better. More social people are having a hard time. It appears to be working, working from home that is, as businesses are not falling apart. Even hospitals have departments i.e. human resources, payroll working from home.
So in the long run how do you think this will effect us? Some of us will thrive - the ones with good time management and at least somewhat introverted. Others are struggling. The ones whose work was so much part of their social sphere. That they defined themselves by work and peers. Also people who struggle with time management - deadline anyone?
Making your day as close to what you did at work also helps. For those with kids it has been great but again managing time and expectations. What do you do with a three year old all day? Where is your focus? Emails are coming in that need answers regardless of potty time. If daycares open that helps as at least that routine is the same.
We have been at this over a year. Some colleagues I have seen a handful of times in the past year. You have your core group still at the office, hospital or wherever so check in is possible. Turn my computer back on anyone?
We feel this is still being worked out long-term. Who might stay working from home? Who might work X many days from home? Can we scale down office space? What about mental health and productivity? It will be interesting to see the fall out when things get back to normal. And also what the new normal will be. Maybe it is work from home.
Let us know your thoughts.