Thursday, 30 April 2020

The weekly challenge

We have set ourselves a challenge. It is to full a bag for goodwill. We are dividing our challenges into weeks to keep it simple. Week one is our closet. It is a transition time out of winter clothes and into spring. A good time to look at what you have been wearing all winter and decide if it is still in good shape, are you tired of it, no longer your style. One of us, not naming names, keeps clothes because they still fit and are okay.  The clothes are no longer her style or she was worn them for years and yeah they should go. Don't transition your winter clothes until you take each piece and decide if a keeper or not. We didn't put a "bag" size so a grocery bag or a garbage bag both are good. The week time frame was set for a deadline.

After that we are tackling the "junk" drawer in the kitchen, linen closet and outwear or entry way closet. Each will have a week. When we get through COVID-19 it would be nice to have completed some projects. To have something to show for being home just not I watched everything of interest on Netflix and ate. 

Being home more has made me (since I'm writing the post I get to put in some personal stuff here) more aware of my home. Things I like, don't like. I realize I have too much stuff. There always seems to be stuff on the bedroom chair and floors. Not all clothes, but books and paper. One extra thing on my list is to go through paperwork and shred taxes, receipts I no longer need.

If you can think of any other areas of the home that could do with a purging and/or organizing let us know.

Friday, 24 April 2020

Making the most of staying home

The world is in lockdown (or you should be). More time at home and seriously how much housework can you do?  Hmmmm….more apparently looking at the dust on the television stand. That said here are a few things we have been doing to make life more normal and/or keep sane.
  • Book club - yep we are still doing book. It is viva Zoom but it works. We are actually thinking this would be a good way to continue during the winter months when it is cold and stormy. To stay curled up at home and Zoom. Beverage of choice.
  • We have a standing date for Friday at 9 pm.  Whoever can make the call great. It is just a way to decompress at the end of the week. Also catch up and rant.
  • Try and support small local businesses. Purchase gift certificates form restaurants for when this crisis is over.
  • YouTube it.  Take a course - we have all seen free classes on Facebook. From Instagram, writing, drawing check them out.
  • Challenge yourself #the100day challenge started April 7th but you could start anytime. One of us is connecting with someone via email, phone or snail mail every day for 100 days.
  • Connect - this is the perfect time to sit down and write a letter or card. I'm sure we all know people who would love to receive mail. I would.
  • Realize this will end and use common sense. To get through this we have to stay home and give our health care workers a fighting chance.  We have to be part of the global community. We have this - staying home with Netflix, social media, books, crafts classes - make the most of it.
  • Stay safe and keep everyone else safe. We have this.