Monday, 28 October 2019

Rolling into a new month and season

We were discussing how fast the months are going by - leading into how fast the year is.  September and October for us are autumn.  The leaves are changing color, the days are still warm but the evenings are getting cool.  We can still have our bedroom windows open all night.  Not liking the shorter days but that is what autumn brings.

November can be a dark month.  The majority of leaves are off the trees.  It is that month between autumn and winter.  It is just before the holidays and when people start to get into panic mode over Christmas. It doesn't help that Christmas items have been out since before Halloween.  But we won't go there and our feelings about it.  Okay we will.  NOTHING SHOULD BE OUT FOR CHRISTMAS UNTIL AFTER REMEMBRANCE DAY. 

We decided to try and make November a more positive month.  Here are a few of our ideas:

  • Start choosing your winter and holiday reading list. If you are not in a book club think about starting one.
  • Get your Christmas cards out from last year. Do you need to purchase more? Start addressing ones to mail.  Get your stamps before the long line ups
  • Make a new wreath just for November.
  • Try a new restaurant or bar for drinks you haven't been to.
  • Make sure you keep up with exercise classes.  Or try a yoga class or any new class.
  • Treat yourself to a new autumn/winter item.  Maybe a new scarf? Sweater?
  • Go through your winter clothes and donate what you don't want to wear this year.  Ideally we shouldn't have not put it away from last year. Be strong. Even if it still fits, if you don't feel good in it. Donate it.
  • Start checking out Pinterest for fun holiday crafts to do with the kids or a girls' night.
  • Head to cosmetic counter and check out new lipsticks.  Anything catch your eye to try? Maybe a new colour just for fun?
  • Purchase a new candle for those long nights.  Let us know your favorite scents!
  • Start making soup and stews. It is time for that comfort food.
These are just a few things to get us through November. Make the most of the month. We would love to hear your ideas for making the most of November or any month! Drop us a comment.

Thursday, 3 October 2019

Happy October

We thought we'd give a wrap up of our summer "to do" list.  For some of us it was a commitment to get a job done.  For others it was an item on a long list.  So yes linen closet was purged/clean and there were multiple beach days.  At the last minute the junk drawer was completed (we mean last minute as like last week).

Going through toys is still on the list along with start a wine journal, attend yoga classes and pick out pictures for 2020 calendar.  Positive was pictures on phone where sorted, deleted and sent.

Did you finish any or all of your summer to do list? Have you started a fall one?  We haven't!

Carry on!