Monday, 2 September 2019

Non-negotiable / rules we live by

We were discussing what is non-negotiable and that got us into rules we live by. Weather we realize it or just unconsciously do it.  What rules do we follow when we are making decisions and choices?  We have come up with a few.  Realize this does not apply to all of us but here are "our" non-negotiable.

  1. If I can't afford it I don't purchase it. I will not go into debt for a vacation or a high end product.
  2. I will not dump a friend if we have plans and something else comes up.
  3. If asked my opinion I will be honest even if it is not exactly what the person wants to hear.
  4. If you ask me how an outfit looks - I will tell you. Not flattering or WOW.
  5. To show up and be there for family and friends.
  6. Don't judge other people.  We have no idea what they are going through.
  7. Sleep on it before making a big decision
  8. Live and let live
  9. Be open to trying new things i.e. especially drinks
  10. Yes you can wear white after Labor Day!