Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Perfect Hostess Gift

Image result for free picture of a wrapped present
Please, please way in on this as we are somewhat all over the place. Discussing hostess gifts - taking wine off the table - and it gets tricky.  Consensus was knowing your hostess' likes and dislikes is a starting point. Our top six in no order are......

1.   flowers or a plant
2.   coasters  (a few of us were what? if you know your hostess you know her theme or maybe  seasonal coasters). 
3.   cheese and crackers  (isn't this for a potluck?)
4.   napkins and a candle (majority nodding for this one)
5.   speciality coffee and/tea
6.   baked goods (only if you bake and have something everyone wants)

One of us, who will not be named, said AA batteries.  This did not make the list, but in retrospect it should have as within 24 hours X was looking for some.  So think outside the box.  What is your go to hostess gift?

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

How many Mondays before.........

Unless you live under a rock it is that time of year when you have "friends" sharing X many Mondays before Christmas, X many pay cheques before Christmas and/or X many weekends before Christmas. We are sure these people with their Xs are individuals who started their Christmas shopping and preparing in July.  The rest of us are in denial or we don't have time to X anything unless it is crossing something off the growing holiday list.  Or worst yet we haven't started the list.

So please be gentle with your sharing of Xs. Not all of us appreciated the remember.